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Dear Gypsy Cotillion Friends, 

 First, thank you for staying with us as we’ve tried to navigate a fundraiser during a pandemic.  We appreciate each and every one of you more than we know how to fully express.  You are an important part of our team.  We couldn’t do the important work for the children without your kind support. 


We can’t see a safe way that we can proceed with the event on September 24th given the current situation.  We can’t, in good conscience, host a night that may spread the virus to any of you.      


So, with great disappointment, we have cancelled Gypsy Cotillion 2020.    


We plan to host LeFreak in 2021 but will schedule a date after things get back to something more normal. 


Please let me know how you’d like us to take care of your refund.  (You can do so by responding to this message, emailing or calling the CASA office at 940-665-2244.)   


Thank you again for the understanding and patience you’ve shown us and for your generosity toward our work for our little ones. 




Vicki Robertson

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2020 Gypsy Cotillion

© 2024

315 E California St., Gainesville, TX 76240

(940) 665-2244




Monday - Thursday

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Closed for lunch 12pm-1pm


8 a.m. - 12 p.m.


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